Offering Virtual Speech Therapy services for schools and individuals

We provide virtual therapy services for ages across the lifespan including cognitive-linguistic, language, and speech treatment. Our services can be provided virtually or locally in the Cedar Rapids, IA area.

Blog posts

Read our blog posts based on evidence-based research and practice.

Why I Chose Baby-led Weaning for my Baby as a Speech Therapist

Is food before one more than just fun? As you open this post, you may be wondering why is a speech therapist writing about feeding and swallowing? This has nothing to do with talking. Actually, swallowing and feeding are just some of the areas we speech therapists diagnose and treat. When my baby was showing…

Childhood Apraxia of Speech Simplified

What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)? Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a neurological disorder that disrupts a child’s ability to move their articulators- tongue, lips, and jaw- to form their speech sounds and words. Who diagnoses Childhood Apraxia of Speech? A trained speech-language pathologist diagnoses CAS. Developmental Signs of CAS1 0-12 months: 12-24…

How to become a Speech Therapist

5 Steps to Become a Speech-Language Pathologist Screenshot for later! Bachelor’s degree or post-baccalaureate certificate in a related field A bachelors degree is required prior to admission to graduate school. Often, students study communication disorders where they will learn foundations for speech pathology. Other related undergraduate degrees may include linguistics, language development, and education. I…

Evaluations. Treatment. IEP Meetings.

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